Viewing Caseload Folders

To view all your caseload folders:

1.    Select the Main Menu icon () in the upper left corner of the page and in the Caseload Folders section, select View All Caseload Folders. The All Caseload Folders page appears displaying the list of caseload folders for the current academic year.

2.    To view folders for additional academic years or Shared Folders, scroll down the page and tap the > Academic Year or > Shared Folders link.

3.    On the line containing any caseload folder view options by doing one of the following:

       On an iOS device, swipe left at the blue bar located at the end of the row to reveal options.

       On an Android device, tap and hold down on the pointer icon to reveal options.

4.    Within the list of your caseload folders, you may do either of the following:

      Edit Title

a.    Tap Edit Title. A dialog box opens.

b.    Tap the line containing the caseload folder name, type a new name for the folder, and tap Save. A confirmation message appears and informs you that the folder has been successfully edited.

c.     Tap OK. The dialog box closes.

      Open Folder

       Tap Open Folder. The My Recent Examinees page appears listing all the examinees in the selected caseload folder.

5.    Within the list of your Shared Folders, you may view the folder by tapping View Folder. the Shared Caseload Folders page opens.

See Next:

Editing Caseload Folders