A roster determines the groups by which students can be tested and their scores reported.
The location and student data files, in addition to a staff/user file, must be prepared in the correct format and submitted to Riverside Operations in order for a roster to be created. Operations validates the files, imports them into DataManager, and the data are combined into a roster. In order for the data to be correctly combined, the location fields in the student, staff/user, and location files must match exactly.
After creating a roster, you can begin setting up test events and test assignments for either online testing or Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) testing.
DataManager allows you to create one or more rosters for specific reporting purposes. Each roster requires a separate student data file. The scenarios described below will help you decide whether you need a single roster or multiple rosters.
If your school system requires a single reporting structure for all classroom locations, then you can create a single roster that associates each student with a class location. For example, if your school system is planning to administer the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) Level 9 to all third-graders at its elementary schools and you want the results reported by classroom teacher in each building, you will need a single roster that associates each student with a single classroom teacher. In addition to the staff/user and location data files, you must submit a single student data file containing these associations.
If your school system requires a custom reporting structure for each class location, then multiple rosters are assigned to associate students with multiple class locations. For example, if your school system is planning to administer Interim Assessments for English Language Arts and Interim Assessments for Math in the same testing window and you want results reported by teacher, you would need one roster that associates students with their Language Arts teachers and another roster that associates students with their Math teachers. In addition to the staff/user and location data files, you would need to submit two student data files to Riverside, one containing the students and their associated Language Arts teachers and another containing the students and their associated Math teachers.
See Also: