Manage testing emergencies and irregularities

It is not possible to provide specific guidance for emergencies and irregularities, but there are some principles that are reasonable to consider under many circumstances.

     The welfare of the students should always be of primary concern. Whatever action might need to be taken should put the health and safety of students first.

     The security of test materials must be maintained. If testing is interrupted and time permits, the proctor should pause or terminate (void) all student test sessions. If the testing room must be evacuated, lock the door if possible.

     Document the details of the irregularity. These details will help to determine what actions may need to be taken so that useful scores can still be obtained. Contact your test coordinator for instructions on how to document the emergency or irregularity and appropriate next steps.

For more details and examples, see the Directions for Online Administration for your assessment and level. (Find and download my Directions for Online Administration.)