The Shared Caseload Folders box contains links to records of examinees to whom you have been granted sharing permission by other examiners, administrators, or the account holder. The user who is sharing access to the examinee determines whether you are granted view or edit access for examinee profiles or examinee test records.
Use the scroll bar on the right side of the box, if necessary, to view all folders.
Minimize or maximize the box by clicking the minimize or maximize icon in the upper right corner of the box.
The complexity and appearance of this box differs according to your user role.
The box contains one folder, My Shared Folder, which cannot be deleted or renamed. Clicking the folder produces a list of its examinees in the My Recent Examinees box (in alphabetical order by last name).
My Shared Folder contains examinees who have been shared with you directly and, at the next hierarchical level, the names of all examiner-level users and those administrator-level users you created in OS&R. Below each of their names are their caseload folders.
To view examinees to whom you have shared access, click My Shared Folder (for direct shares with you) or click the plus sign in front of an examiner’s name, and then click a caseload folder. Examinees appear in the My Recent Examinees box.
My Shared Folders contains a list of all examiners and administrators in OS&R.
To view the list of all examinees in any folder, click the plus sign in front of an administrator’s or examiner’s name, and then click a caseload folder. The examinees in the selected folder appear in the My Recent Examinees box.