Produce a report that includes a brief narrative explaining the purpose of the test and what it measures; the test-retest procedure; and item detail information including domain/subdomain, item stem, number of points received in English and Spanish, item-level notes (if entered by the examiner), and differences between Spanish and English raw score points. To produce a Comparative Language Report:1. Access the Child - Search and Manage page through the Child Administration > Search Child menu or the Reports > Child Reports menu. 2. Use the Search features to locate the record of the child on whom you want to run the report. 3. Click
the report button ( 4. Select the Norming Period. If possible, use the same normative set for exit and entry assessments. 5. From the Child Complete list, select Comparative Language Report and click Go to Report Criteria. The Comparative Language Report criteria page opens. 6. Click View Report to produce the report. The Scheduled Queue page appears with a new row for the report indicating its status. An email is sent to your address when the report is complete. 7. Refresh the Scheduled Queue page to access options for viewing your report. |