Complete Longitudinal Report

Produce a graphical description of the child’s performance for up to three assessments by subdomains. The default setting for this report is the change-sensitive score; however, you can select any derived score. This report can be previewed, printed, or saved as a file.

To produce a Longitudinal Report:

1.    Access the Child - Search and Manage page through the Child Administration > Search Child menu or the Reports > Child Reports menu.

2.    Use the Search features to locate the record of the child on whom you want to run the report.

3.    Click the report button (_img165) in the Actions column corresponding to the row of the child. The Select Report Type page appears.

4.    Select the Norming Period. If possible, use the same normative set for exit and entry assessments.

5.    From the Child Complete list, select Longitudinal Report and click Go to Report Criteria.

6.    When the Longitudinal Report criteria page opens, select from the available options and click _img190 to produce the report.