Complete Service Plan Template Report

Produce a template that can be used in conjunction with one of the other complete reports to create Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) goals and objectives. No scores are generated with this template. The template can be previewed, printed, saved, or launched as a PDF file.

To produce a Service Plan Template:

1.    Access the Child - Search and Manage page through the Child Administration > Search Child menu or the Reports > Child Reports menu.

2.    Use the Search features to locate the record of the child on whom you want to run the report.

3.    Click the report button (_img165) in the Actions column corresponding to the row of the child. The Select Report Type page appears.

4.    Select the Norming Period. If possible, use the same normative set for exit and entry assessments.

5.    From the Child Complete list, select Service Plan Template and click Go to Report Criteria. The Service Plan Template criteria page opens.

6.    Select from the available options:

a.    Select the assessment date you want to include in the report.

b.    Select the type of template you want to produce.

      IFSP—Select this option to produce an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) template.

      IEP—Select this option to produce an Individualized Education Program (IEP) template.

c.    Select the report format.

      PDF—Select this format to produce a file that can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

      Rich Text Format—Select this report type to produce a report that can be viewed and edited in a word-processing application.

7.    Click _img194 to produce the report.