Update Availability Hours for Online Tests

Administrators can limit the weekday hours that students may access the online tests.

To update availability hours for online tests:

Click the Admin tab. The Admin page appears.

Click System Settings. The System Settings page appears.

Scroll to the Availability Hours for Online Tests section (bottom section).

Refer to the table below to continue.

Note: All times are Pacific Daylight and do not change with time of year or geography.

If you want to…

Then do this…

Enable availability hours for online tests

Click the Enabled button to activate the restricted hour feature.

Click Update Setting. A confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

Scroll down to the Availability Hours for Online Tests again. The fields are now editable.

Select the hour, minute, and am or pm from the From drop-down boxes.

Select the hour, minute, and am or pm from the To drop-down boxes.

Click Update Hours. A confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

Disable availability hours for online tests

Click the Disabled button.

Click Update Setting. A confirmation message appears at the top of the page.