The Resources page provides supporting documentation and training for using easyCBM. To access the Resources page, click the Resources tile or tab on the Dashboard.
The Resources page provides access to the following:
Training—Links to training and tutorials that assist users in gaining proficiency with test administration for both the group-administered measures (Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and Vocabulary) and the fluency-based measures (Letter Names, Letter Sounds, Phoneme Segmenting, Word Reading Fluency, and Passage Reading Fluency). Each module includes a short narrative description of the measure, video clips of the test administration (approximately one minute in length), audio of the correct pronunciation of letters or sounds contained in the assessment, and opportunities to practice administering assessments.
Manuals—Contains links to new how-to online help for three different user role types.
Technical Reports & Research—Contains links to sites containing research related to easyCBM content and methods.
How-to Videos—Videos (approximately 5–8 minutes) showing common tasks such as import functions and the easyCBM interface.
Quick Guides (Users/Head Admins)—2–6-page PDF guides instructing Users and Head Admins on how to perform common tasks in easyCBM.
Head Admin Resources—CSV templates that load in Excel for Head Admins to use as templates when uploading user, student, and teacher-student files (primarily at the start of a school year for rostering).
Important: Anyone who will be administering the easyCBM assessments should read the information provided and watch the example videos. (Be aware that not all of the videos support online or paper-and-pencil administration.)