Logging On and Off

Logging On

Each district receives a unique URL during the initial implementation with Riverside Insights® and the head administrator. This URL is distributed to users through whatever channel your district decides on (for example, in an email or during training).  The URL provides all users with access to the district’s secure easyCBM Login page.

Districts also determine the channel through which individual user names and passwords are distributed to users.

To log on to easyCBM:

Open easyCBM by navigating to the unique URL provided to you. The Login page prompts you to enter your credentials.

Enter the username and password provided to you by your district. (If you have forgotten either, see Forgotten Username or Password.)

Click the Login button. Your easyCBM Dashboard appears.

Logging Off

To log off of easyCBM:

Click Logout, located in the upper-right corner on the banner of any page. This ends the current session. The Login page appears.

Forgotten Username or Password

easyCBM provides links on the login page for users who have forgotten their usernames or passwords. easyCBM uses the email address on record for your account to validate your request and to send information allowing you to access the account.

If you have forgotten your username:

Click the Forgot Username? link in the Login box. The username lookup form appears.

Enter your email address and click the Lookup Username button. The system sends your username to the email address you entered.

Follow the steps for logging on to easyCBM.

If you have forgotten your password:

Click the Forgot Password? link in the Login box. The password reset form appears.

Enter your username and click the Send Email Confirmation button. The system sends a confirmation to the email address associated with the username you entered.

Click the link provided in the email. A new password displays on the screen, and a second email is sent to the email address set up for your account.

Follow the steps for logging on to easyCBM.