Understanding Access Levels

Districts receive a unique URL so that all authorized users can access the same account. The user’s access level determines which tasks the user can perform. For example, a teacher may not see all building, teacher, and student information for all schools within the district.

The following access levels are available in easyCBM:

Head Admin (not shown in this online help system)Users with this access level (typically a Head Admin, district assessment director, and/or technical data specialist) make decisions regarding testing, assessments, and program roll-out. They can create and manage user accounts, student rosters, associations between teachers and students, and system-wide settings for the district. Admin accounts (or "Head Admins") can be created and assigned by other Head Admins. 

District Level—Users with this access level (typically district test coordinators and district administrators) can view and manage building, teacher, and student information at all schools within the district. They can conduct tests and produce reports for measures on individual students and groups and create templates for interventions, among other activities, but their role is generally less hands-on.

Building Level—Users with this access level (typically building test coordinators and school administrators) can view classroom, teacher, and student information for a specific building(s) with which they are affiliated. They can conduct tests and produce reports for measures on individual students and groups and create templates for interventions, among other activities.

Teacher Level—Users with this access level (typically teachers and assessors) can view students listed on their class roster(s). They typically conduct the Benchmark tests for their classes, and they often create and manage intervention groups and follow-up Progress Monitoring tests.

Note: Many schools have implemented Response to Intervention (RTI) systems in which teachers may serve as “interventionists” for students assigned to another homeroom teacher. The system allows multiple teachers to be associated with a given student, enabling each associated user to access the student’s account to enter scores and view reports.