Multi-mode testing preparation

You may need to administer tests using both paper-pencil and online modes within the same building and/or class. Some students will test on paper and have their answer documents scanned separately for scoring by Riverside Insights® Scoring Service. Other students will test online, with answers entered directly into DataManager.

In order to combine different testing modes into one cohesive set of reported results for a class or building, your administration date on the Order for Scoring Services form (OSS) must match the date specified for the associated DataManager test event, as shown on the example modal below.

Create a New Test Event form with date fields boxed in red

IMPORTANT! Create the test event in DataManager first, and make special note of the TEST EVENT DATE, NORMATIVE YEAR, and NORMATIVE SEASON. You will need to enter these same values on the OSS. When you do this, your classrooms, buildings, and districts will merge in your group reporting results.

Boxed in red are the key areas of the OSS, in particular the Test Date:

Order for Scoring Services, key date information outlined, plus relevant instructions for merging multimode test administrations

It will also help roll up your testing and reporting if you follow the instructions at the bottom of the form (enter the exact name for the test event).

Location matching

For best results, follow this additional practice when merging paper-pencil and online testing:

Match location names on cover sheets to exact location names on DataManager rosters. For example, "Keeney Elementary" in the DataManager Locations hierarchy (visible to Administrators and Account Holders) should be entered on the cover page for paper-pencil as "Keeney Elementary," with no abbreviations).

DataManager Administration> Manage Locations > View/Manage Locations:

Location name in DataManager

Cover sheets for student answer documents:

Cover sheet for submitting paper-pencil tests

Note: Because there is a 20-character limit to location names on the cover pages, keep your location names in the DataManager locations hierarchy to a maximum of 20 characters, abbreviating first there, if necessary. For example, because "Keeney South Elementary" goes over the 20-character maximum for the scoring service cover page, abbreviate it to "Keeney S Elementary" or "Keeney South Elem" in DataManager first; then write it into the Building Identification and Grade/Class Identification sheets for paper testing.

Cover sheet for answer documents in a class