Iowa Assessments Upper-level Getting Started

You must read the text below to students before they begin the Iowa Assessments™ upper-level Getting Started tutorial. It is important that students take the Getting Started tutorial prior to taking the Iowa Assessments tests at Levels 9 through 17/18. Because the Getting Started tutorial is self-paced, these instructions do not appear in the Proctor Session tab.


This Getting Started tutorial shows you how to move through the test, answer questions, and review your work. The tutorial also tells you how to use some other features in the test.

You will complete the tour on your own before we start the test. You will have ten minutes to finish the tour.

Are there any questions?

Pause for questions.


You may now click the Next button to begin the tutorial.

(Check the status bar to verify that all students have completed the tour. Continue when all students have finished or time runs out.)


Has everyone finished the tour?



Are there any questions about how to answer the test questions?

Answer any questions. When there are no more questions, continue.


Click the Finished button to close the tour.