Save and Close a Test Session

Data Package: Online Testing


Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Teacher, or Proctor

Note: If your students are testing on mobile devices, they may apply touch gestures to perform the tasks described below. For example, students will "tap" rather than "click" fields to select options and enter information.

If circumstances require you to close a session before students have finished testing, use the following procedures to save student responses and allow students to continue testing later where they left off.

To save and close a test session for an individual student:

1.    Open the tab that contains the session you want to close.

      For proctor-led tests, the session tab.

      For self-paced tests, the session tab for the test you want to close or the Merged tab.

2.    In the Approved Students area, click the save and close button () in the student's row. The student is removed from the Approved Students area. All completed test answers are saved in the system. When the student resumes testing, they will begin where they left off.

In the student view, a confirmation box appears.

3.    Instruct the student to click OK. The student returns to the DataManager student Sign In page.

To save and close a test session for all students:

1.    Open the tab that contains the session you want to close.

      For proctor-led tests, the session tab.

      For students of a specific self-paced test, the session tab for the test you want to close. Open the Merged tab if you want to close all open self-paced tests.

2.    In the Approved Students area, click the Exit All button. All of the students are removed from the Approved Students area, and their completed test answers are saved in the system. When students resume testing, each one will continue at the question where they left off.

In the student view, a confirmation box appears.

3.    Instruct students to click OK. Students return to the DataManager student Sign In page.