Pause and Resume a Test Session

Data Package: Online Testing

Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Teacher, or Proctor

Audio tests follow the same procedures as self-paced tests. They do, however, require students to click an additional START MY TEST button to launch the audio and test.

To pause and resume testing:

Administration Mode/Tab Single Student All Students


Session tab


If you are conducting a self-paced section of a proctor-led test, you must resume any paused student's test session before advancing the test to the next proctor-led section.

Confirm that all students are on the same question before administering the next proctor-led section of the test.


1.    In the Approved Students area, click the Pause All button. The students' test sessions are paused, and the Pause All button becomes the Resume All button.

In the student view, a confirmation box appears.

2.    Instruct students to click OK. If the Draw page was enabled for the test session, the doodle page with drawing tools appears in the student view until the test session resumes.


1.    Click the Resume All button in the Approved Students area. The students' test sessions resume.

2.    Continue to proctor the test session from the question that students were working on when you paused the test session.

Self-paced and audio, single test/

Session tab


1.    In the Approved Students area, click the pause button () in the student's row. The student's test session is paused, and the pause button becomes a play button ().

In the student view, a confirmation box appears.

2.    Instruct students to click OK. If the Draw page was enabled for the test session, the doodle page with drawing tools appears in the student view until the test session resumes.


   In the Approved Students area, click the play button ()  in the student's row. The play button becomes a pause button ().

In the student view, the student's test session resumes.

Note: If the student is testing using audio, instruct the student to click the START MY TEST button to resume the test with audio.


1.    In the Approved Students area, click the Pause All button. The students' test sessions are paused, and the Pause All button becomes the Resume All button.

In the student view, a confirmation box appears.

2.    Instruct students to click OK. If the Draw page was enabled for the test session, the doodle page with drawing tools appears in the student view until the test session resumes.


   Click the Resume All button in the Approved Students area. The Resume All button becomes a Pause All button.

In the student view, the students' test sessions resume.

Note: If students are testing using audio, instruct them to click the START MY TEST button to resume the test with audio.

Self-paced and audio (multiple tests)/

Merged tab


1.    In the Approved Students area, click the pause button () in the student's row. The student's test session is paused, and the pause button becomes a play button ().

In the student view, a confirmation box appears.

2.    Instruct students to click OK. If the Draw page was enabled for the test session, the doodle page with drawing tools appears in the student view until the test session resumes.


   In the Approved Students area, click the play button () in the student's row. The student's test session resumes and the play button becomes a pause button ().

In the student view, the student's test session resumes.

Note: If the student is testing using audio, instruct the student to click the START MY TEST button to resume the test with audio.


1.    In the Approved Students area, click the Pause All button. The students' test sessions are paused, and the Pause All button becomes the Resume All button.

In the student view, a confirmation box appears.

2.    Instruct students to click OK. If the Draw page was enabled for the test session, the doodle page with drawing tools appears in the student view until the test session resumes.


   Click the Resume All button in the Approved Students area. The students' test sessions resume.

In the student view, the students' test sessions resume.

Note: If students are testing using audio, instruct them to click the START MY TEST button to resume the test with audio.