Look Up a Student

Data Package: Online Testing


Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Teacher, or Proctor

At any point before, during, or after administering a test online, you may need to look up roster information for one or more students or track their progress through a series of test segments.

To find and view student information from the Proctor Session page:

1.    Click the Student Lookup button located in the upper right of the Proctor Session page.

Student Lookup button on Proctor Session page

The Student Status tab opens with a Search area to help you find students.

Student Status page search fields

2.    Enter search terms in any of the fields: a unique student ID, first name, last name, date of birth, and/or test event.

Note: If you select a test event, you must also select another search criterion. If you did not select a test event and a student is assigned to more than one test event, then the student’s name may appear more than once in the results table.

3.    In the location box on the right side of the Search area, select a building- or class-level location. Click the plus sign () to expand the hierarchy. Click the minus sign () to collapse the hierarchy. You must select a location at the building level or below.

4.    Click the Search button. The Student Status table displays the results that meet your search criteria. See Student Lookup and Test Status  for an explanation of the page.

If the search returns more than 100 items, a message box asks you to further refine your search. Enter another criterion and click Search again, or click Reset to clear the search and enter different criteria.

Note: If you cannot find information for a student, contact your test coordinator to see whether the student is assigned to take the test. If the student is not on the student roster and should be, an Administrator or Account Holder can add the student. See Add a Student to a Roster for instructions on how to add a new student to a roster.