Roles and Permissions

In DataManager, you assign one role to each staff/user by specifying the role in the staff/user data file. Role assignments enable users to perform specific tasks on records at their location level and below. See About Setting Up Locations for more information about location levels.

Note: Your location level and role assignment determine what you see when you log on to DataManager. For example, you may not see all DataManager features or all levels of your organization’s location hierarchy.


A role is a set of permissions that allows users to view records and perform specific tasks within DataManager. The user’s role and location, combined with their institution's purchased data package, determine which tasks they can perform. The following roles are available in DataManager:

     Account Holder – Only one user may be assigned the Account Holder role. The Account Holder is the primary contact for Riverside and has the ability to perform all DataManager tasks.

     Administrator – The Administrator has the ability to perform most DataManager tasks for his/her location level and below; however, Administrators cannot manage account notifications or licenses or export test result details.

     Teacher – The Teacher has the ability to create test assignments, proctor online or OMR tests, and view reports.

     Proctor – The Proctor has the ability to create test sessions and administer online and OMR tests.

     Digital Resource & Reporting Access – This role has the ability to access the Digital Resources page and the Reporting application.

     Digital Resource Access – This role has the ability to access the Digital Resources page.

Click the following links to view the tasks permitted for each role and data package within DataManager.


Assessments (online data package required)


Access to Digital Resources


See Also:

About Setting Up Staff/Users

Create and Submit Data Files Overview