Progress Monitoring Report

Create a Progress Monitoring Report

The Progress Monitoring Report is available for WMLS III users. There must be at least two administrations of the same language, at least 90 days apart, to generate this report.

View Progress Monitoring Report OutputView Progress Monitoring Report Output

Progress Monitoring shows graphical representation of progress by language as well as data for the selected clusters. The first two pages of a sample report are shown below for both English and Spanish.

Note: You can run the report in English, Spanish, or English and Spanish; however, only the titles display in Spanish.

Web Page

 To view additional scores, use the scroll bar on the right side of the page.

 To return to the Create Report page, click Back at the bottom of the page.

Note:  Data in these samples are for illustrative purposes only.

To run the Progress Monitoring Report:

On the dashboard, hover over Reports and click Create Report. The Create Report page opens.

Complete the fields in the following steps.

Note: Some fields offer additional instructions. Click more to learn more.

Product: Select the product for which you want to run the report.

Report Type: select Progress Monitoring Report.

Examinee Selection: Select an examinee. moremore

Note: The Examinee Selection field appears for the reports that you can run for one examinee. For reports you can run for multiple examinees, Examinees appears.

Type the name of an examinee. If there is a match, the examinee appears highlighted with a list of other examinees in that folder. Click to select that examinee. Click Close.

Click on a caseload folder and then select the examinee. Click Close.

Examinee Selection

Note: To assess progress, the examinee must have at least two administrations of the same language selected that are at least 90 days apart.

Test Record: select a test from the list..

Normative Basis: Select age or grade as the normative basis.

Content: Select the content (content fields depend on the report selected.) moremore

Note: The Content field is populated according to the test record that you selected. This example is for WJ IV Test of Oral language.

Check the options you want to include.

Content Options Checklist

Click Advanced Content Filters if you want further filter the content.

Advanced Content FIlters

You can click the drop-down arrows for Oral Language Clusters, Ol + COG Clusters, or Sound Awareness and select or un-select options. Select any or all  intervention options.

Click Clear to clear all checked boxes.

Click Select All to select all items.

Click Save to save your selections.

Output Format: Select PDF, Web Page, or Word as the output format.

Click one of the buttons:

Run Report to run or save the report now. moremore

When you click the Run Report button:

If you selected Web Page, the report is displayed on your screen.

If you selected PDF or Word for the output, follow the instructions that appear.

Save to My Reports to save to your dashboard to open later. moremore

When you click Save My Reports, the Name Your Report page opens.

Type in a name for the report and click Save. We entered February Parent Report for this report.

Name Your Report

The report will now appear in the My Saved Report section on the bottom left of your dashboard.

View Progress Monitoring Report OutputView Progress Monitoring Report Output

Progress Monitoring shows graphical representation of progress by language as well as data for the selected clusters. The first two pages of a sample report are shown below for both English and Spanish.

Note: You can run the report in English, Spanish, or English and Spanish; however, only the titles display in Spanish.

Web Page

 To view additional scores, use the scroll bar on the right side of the page.

 To return to the Create Report page, click Back at the bottom of the page.

Note:  Data in these samples are for illustrative purposes only.