Download Detailed Instructions

To prepare for proctoring a test, sign in to your DataManager account, access Digital Resources, and download the Directions for Online Administration for your test and level. Review the entire booklet, taking note of information to emphasize to students prior to administering the test (for example, the availability and functioning of the Back and/or Review buttons; see the "About the Student View" section of your Directions for Online Administration).

Note: Directions for Administration for OMR testing are available from the Administration page in DataManager. You must sign in as an Account Holder or Administrator to access these resources.

To download Directions for Online Administration (Proctor):

1.    Sign in to your DataManager account.

2.    Click Resources on the DataManager banner or site map. The Digital Resources page opens with a list of documents available to you.

3.    Use the drop-down menu, if necessary, to load resources specific to your product.

4.    Locate the Directions for Online Administration for your version and level, and download the PDF document according to your browser's prompts.

To download Directions for Online Administration (Teacher and Admin):

1.    Sign in to DataManager with your unique user name (email address) and password. Your Overview page will vary according to your user role.

2.    Select Resources from the banner, the right-column card (Open Resources), or the Site Map.

3.    From the dropdown box, select your category. Document folders and files below the box change according to your selection.

4.    Scroll, as necessary, and browse the folders and files until you find the Directions for Online Administration for your test.

5.    Click the PDF for your version and level, and follow your browser's prompts to save or open it.

These booklets provide detailed descriptions of tests, test questions and segments, checklists, troubleshooting methods, and instructions for accommodating specific populations of students. Logramos directions also include translations for directions for both staff and students.

Follow the instructions for setting up the student testing environment, and refer to them as needed when administering assessments.