Link Sequential Proctor-Led Sessions

Data Package: Online Testing


Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Proctor, or Teacher

If your test proctor-led session is part of a test assignment that includes sequential subtests (for example, verbal, then quantitative, then non-verbal in CogAT Level 5/6), DataManager can automatically create the next subtest in the series after you end the previous one.

Note: The Getting Started tutorials are not part of the linked sequence for any level.

Important: You can administer only one proctor-led test session at a time. Do not attempt to open another proctor-led test session; the connection with students in the current test session may be lost.

To create a linked, proctor-led session and continue testing:

1.    From the session tab, make sure that all students in the Approved Students section have completed the current test.

2.    Click the Continue Testing All button.

DataManager creates a linked session bearing the name of the first session in the series (for example, CogAT Scr 5/6 in the image below) with the link number appended.

3.    Begin the next test in the series. (See Prepare to Proctor an Online Test or Begin the Session.)