Administer Proctor-Led Sessions

When you conduct a proctor-led test, you advance all students from one question to the next at the same time. If you have portions of proctor-led tests that are self-paced, you advance students at the beginning or end of the change in mode. See Administer Self-Paced Sections of Proctor-Led Tests.

After starting the test, follow the Proctor instructions on your screen exactly.

     Read aloud word for word the text preceded by the word SAY in red type. The text that is not preceded by SAY and not indented is important information, but it should not be read to students.

- For Iowa Assessments™ only.
 Read the directions for questions only once for levels 5, 6, 7, and 8 unless otherwise instructed on your screen. You can read and repeat directions for questions for levels 9–14 and 15–17/18.
- For CogAT® only. You can repeat the directions as many times as needed. Once testing begins, you may not answer questions about specific items. For example, do not identify pictures for students. However, questions about procedures and the mechanics of test-taking may be answered at any time.

     Do not read the question numbers aloud.

     In some questions, students are told the names of pictures as part of the oral directions. In other questions, however, it is important that the students identify the pictures themselves. Refer to the Directions for Online Administration for specifications.

     Speak distinctly and at a constant rate. Do not use inflection in your voice that could cue students to the correct answers.

     Allow adequate time for all students who are capable of finishing a question to do so before you begin reading the directions for the next question. Some students might not finish some questions.

     Do not start the test until all students understand what they are supposed to do.

     Use the tools on the Proctor Led tab to monitor testing.

      A pacing clock () above the Student area starts when the test begins. Use the pacing clock to help you gauge the amount of time to give students to answer the question before advancing to the next question.

      The question () the students are working on appears in the Question column of the student's row.

      When a student has had an opportunity to answer a question, a green check mark () appears in the Answered column () of the student's row. (Note that the check mark does not indicate whether the student answered the question.) Use the Refresh button to update this information. If your connection is slow, you may also need to ask students to confirm (either verbally or by raising their hands) that they are ready to continue to the next question.


See Also:

The Proctor Session Page