Create Iowa Assessments Reports

Data Package: Online Testing or DataPlus

Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Teacher, or Digital Resource & Reporting Access

You can specify criteria and run reports on the Create a Report page.

Report options and availability vary according to the following:

     Your role and location. You can create and view reports only for your own location level and those below you.

     The tests that have been administered to students, entered in the database, and marked as completed.

     The options you select as you move down the list of criteria. As you select options, subsequent fields with dependencies on those options may change. (Common fields that produce these changes include REPORT TYPE, LEVEL OF ANALYSIS, and DISPLAY OPTIONS.) When this happens, the page reloads to display new or adjusted fields.

Note: For descriptions of STAAR reports and instructions on how to run them, see Create STAAR Reports.

To create an Iowa Assessments™ report:

1.    Open the Create a Report tab in the Reports Center by doing one of the following:

      If you are a Teacher, Administrator, or above, click the Reports menu at the top of the page at any point after signing in. Select Classic if provided a drop-down option.

Reports menu: classic, CogAT dashboard, or IowaFlex Dashboard

Note: If your institution has purchased IowaFlex or another applicable product, you will also see the option to select the IowaFlex Dashboard or CogAT Dashboard. For instructions on these options, see the related dashboard overview sections.

Reports Center: Create a Report tab

      For individuals with Teacher roles and above, you can also open the Create a Report tab from the Test Events Overview page by clicking See reports in the Complete Tasks box.

      For reports-only access users with a web Reporting Key, create your account or sign in to your existing account and enter the Reporting Key provided by your school or district administrator.

Note: If you have access to multiple locations, enter each new Reporting Key once. Subsequently, you can select the location from a Select Report Criteria for drop-down list at the top of the Create a Report tab.

2.    In the ASSESSMENT list, select the test your students took. If there is more than one option, select the one for which you want to run a report.

3.    From the TEST ADMIN DATE list, select your test event if different from the default. Test events are indicated by their date and name. They are sorted by date, most recent first.

4.    In the REPORT TYPE list, select the report you want to produce. Short descriptions for each report are provided below, along with links (More...) to fuller descriptions with samples. Click the Instructions link (on the line below More...) to view field-level descriptions and instructions for entering selections in the remaining fields of each report.

Note: Reports and fields are listed here in the same order as they appear on your DataManager platform.

Data Export

Available to users with Account Holder and Administrator roles only. Provides a file in a standard or custom template containing data on test results. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

NEW Student Roster (Early School Closure)

Measures estimated student growth as impacted by Covid-19 school closures at the beginning of March 2020, quartermonth 25 (QM 25, or March 8 - March 15, 2020). More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Student Roster

Provides scores by test and composite or skill domain and cognitive level for each student in the selected group. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Multimeasure Student Roster

Allows you to create up to ten columns across multiple test administrations, test types, grades, and levels for each student in a selected group. This report also provides a PERFORMANCE BANDS option, which allows you to specify performance indicator labels and values that color code the test results for each student. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

List of Student Scores (Scoring Service Print Style)

Provides a list of each student's test and composite scores for the selected content areas. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Student Profile

Provides one of several types of data output for each student's scores in a selected group. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Student Profile Narrative (Scoring Service Print Style)

Provides test and composite scores for an individual student as well as descriptions to aid in interpreting and using the scores. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Individual Performance Profile (Scoring Service Print Style)

Provides a skill-level report with domain and cognitive levels for individual students. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Group Roster

Provides test and composite scores or skill domain and cognitive level scores for each selected group—class, building, district, system, region, or state. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Subgroup Roster

Provides test or composite scores for all subgroups or a selected subgroup—gender, federal race/ethnicity, programs, and/or administrator codes. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Group Profile

Provides the average score for a selected group by test, skill domain, content, cognitive level, proficiency level, and/or any population parameters you specify, with some reports offering the option to view longitudinal information where relevant data exists. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Group Summary (Scoring Service Print Style)

Provides the average test and composite scores for the selected group. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Group Performance Profile (Scoring Service Print Style)

Provides a score profile with NPR bar graph in addition to domain and cognitive levels for the selected group. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Group Item Analysis (Scoring Service Print Style)

Provides a comparison of a group's average percent-correct for each test item to that of the encompassing location(s). More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

Class Item Response Record (Scoring Service Print Style)

Displays each student's response to each item on an assessment. More...

Instructions: Click to open a table with definitions for the remaining fields. When you have entered your report parameters, continue with the next step.

5.    (Optional) Save the current selection criteria for future use.

6.    (Optional) To clear your selections, click the Reset Criteria button.

7.    Run the report using one of the following options.

To do the following...

Follow these instructions...

Run the report immediately as you wait.

a.    Click Run Report. A progress bar appears. When the report has finished running, it appears on a report page.

b.    See View Reports for information about the report page.

Note: The Run Report option is not available for Data Export or Scoring Service Print Style reports. These report types must be submitted to run in the background.

Submit the report to run in the background.

a.    Click Run in Background. A Specify a Report Name dialog box opens. The report name defaults to the Report Type.

b.    (Optional) Change or add to the Report Name.

Note: Do not use the following characters in the Report Name: semicolon (;), colon (:), asterisk (*), question mark (?), slash (/), backslash (\), pipe (|), angle brackets (< >), or quotation marks (“).

c.    Click OK. A confirmation box informs you that the job has been submitted successfully.

d.    Click OK. The report is submitted. When it is finished running, you can open it in the Report Center .

e.    See Using the Report Center for information about retrieving reports.

Note: Completed jobs are available in Report Center for five days after they have finished running.



See Also:

View Reports

Use the Report Center

Sort and Search Reports

Export and Print Reports