Word Reading Fluency K-3

To administer Word Reading Fluency (WRF):

Note: This is a 60-second timed test.

Place the Word Reading Student Copy in front of the student.

Read the directions to the student exactly as written in the Assessor Copy.

Start the stopwatch when the student says the first word.

Follow along in the Assessor Copy as the student reads the words from the Student Copy of the test.

Recommended: For printed copies, use a cover sheet to reveal only the words in the row the student is reading.

Follow these directions for administration as well as the scoring directions below:

If the student is unable to read any words in the first three rows, discontinue the test.

Mark a slash through (or click, for online) any word the student says incorrectly.

Place a bracket after the last word read before the time expires. (If you are using the online timer, your screen flashes at 60 seconds, and your cursor becomes an end bracket. Click to mark the last word read.)

To score Word Reading Fluency (WRF):

Use the guidelines below to score Word Reading Fluency (WRF):

If the student...

Respond by...

Score as...

Does not read any words within the first three rows

Discontinuing the test

Record the score as 0

Hesitates on a word for three seconds

Providing the word to the student

Incorrect (1)

Makes an error


Incorrect (1)

Makes an error, then self-corrects within three seconds

Writing “SC” above the letter (2)

Correct if self-corrects within 3 seconds.

Skips a word or an entire row

Helping the student find his or her place

If the student reads the word correctly after finding his or her place, do not count as an error. If the students does not read the word correctly after finding his or her place, count that letter or row as incorrect  (3)


Scoring Sample:

Count and record the number of words read correctly in the allotted 60 seconds.

Enter the student’s score in easyCBM. See Entering Fluency-Based Responses.