About Caseload Folders

Caseload Folders

You use caseload folders to organize your examinees. Every examinee entered into Riverside Score is assigned to one caseload folder initially. The examiner who owns that folder can do one or more of the following:

Work with that examinee indefinitely.

Move the examinee among his or her own caseload folders.

If the examiner has sharing privileges, share the examinee with other examiners.

On the dashboard, caseload folders are filtered by academic year and organized in alphabetical order. Every examiner (and administrator) starts out with one Referrals folder for inputting examinees and one My Shared Folder for receiving shared examinees. You can add as many caseload folders with as many examinees per folder as you need.

When one examiner shares an examinee with another examiner, the examinee is listed in the recipient's Shared Caseload Folders section of the dashboard. Depending on the scope of privileges assigned, the recipient can view the examinee, edit information or test scores, and/or run reports for the shared examinee.

The My Recent Examinees box on the dashboard lists the examinees contained in the currently selected folder in the Caseload Folders or the Shared Caseload Folders box on the dashboard.