Create a Test Session

Data Package: Online Testing


Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Teacher, or Proctor

You can create test sessions at any time before testing. Begin by setting up the first test in a series. In most cases, subtests within a test family are automatically linked so that students can continue testing from one to the next in the series without having to sign in each time. After students complete a subtest, you can allow them to continue to the next subtest or end testing. (See Continue or End a Session.)

Note: For instructions on how to verify which tests students have completed, see Look Up a Student.

Use the table below to determine when to create a specific test session:

If you are administering…


The Getting Started tutorial

Create a separate test session.

A series of consecutive subtests within the same level (except Iowa Assessments Level 9 Word Analysis and Listening tests)

Create a test session for the first test in the series. If you do not administer all the tests in the series within the testing period, end testing and then create a new test session for the next test in the series. For example, if you administer one or more tests during the morning and plan to continue in the afternoon, create a new test session for the afternoon testing period.

The Level 9 Word Analysis and Listening subtests for Iowa Assessments

Create a test session for Word Analysis; students will be able to continue to Listening after completing Word Analysis.

More than one test level simultaneously

Create separate test sessions for each level you are administering.


Important: Once you have created a test session for a test assignment, the test assignment can only be changed for an individual student through Assign by Student, and then only if the student has not begun testing. See the online help for Assessments for more information about test events and assignments.

To create a test session:

1.    Sign in to the DataManager Proctor application. See Sign In for Proctoring for instructions. The name of the test event you want to test appears in the Test Event list.

2.    Keep the current test event or select an alternate test event. See About Test Events for more information about test events.

3.    In the Grade list, select the grade you want to test.

4.    In the Test Group list, select the test group (for example, Iowa Form G Complete).

5.    In the Level list, select the test level that you will be administering or that is assigned to the students you will be testing.

6.    In the Battery/Subtest list, select the first battery/subtest you want to administer.

Note: The tests are listed in the recommended order in which they should be administered.

7.    In the Test Admin Type list, select the test administration type for the test.

Test Admin Type

Assessment Type


      Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT®) - all Levels

      Iowa Assessments™ - Levels 5, 6, 7, 8; Level 9 Word Analysis and Listening

      Iowa AssessmentsSingle Subject - Levels 5, 6, 7, 8; Level 9 Word Analysis and Listening

      Logramos online - Levels 5, 6, 7, 8; Level 9 Word Analysis and Listening


      Iowa Assessments™ - Levels 9 - 17/18

      Iowa AssessmentsSingle Subject - Levels 9 - 17/18

      Logramos online - Levels 9 - 14

      Riverside® Interim Assessments

Audio English

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT®) - all Levels

Audio Spanish

Audio Arabic

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT®) - Levels 9 - 17/18



Note: Written instructions appear on students' screens for each audio language, including Spanish, in tandem with the audio instructions. If you want students to test using only the written instructions that appear on their screens, you must select the language here, then disable the device used to play the audio.

Audio Chinese-Mandarin*

Audio Chinese-Cantonese*

Audio Russian

Audio Somali

Audio Vietnamese


*Important: Chinese Mandarin and Chinese Cantonese are two distinct dialects with different spoken (audio) translations. Your selection should reflect the audio language of your student population.

Note: If you do not have the option of selecting one or more audio languages, and you want students to be able to test using alternate language directions, check that your Account Holder and/or Administrator has:

-  enabled audio testing during the initial configuration of your account
-  selected the audio language(s) you require in the Settings and Preferences section of the Administration tab
-  enabled Allow Audio Test Administration for the test event

See a sample translated test question.

8.    In the Session Name field, type a session name. You can type any name for the session. It is recommended that you enter a logical name to help you identify the session, such as using the following format: teacher last name/grade/test (for example, Hanson 4 Math). The session name must be unique for the test event you selected.

9.    If you have the Draw Screen option on your form, select On to allow students access to the doodle page prior to being approved to start testing or once they have completed a test. Select Off to have those students see a static screen with their name on it and no drawing tools.

10.  Click Create Session. Your session appears in the Created Sessions area and is ready for you to proctor.

Note: If your DataManager proctor session is idle for 40 minutes, a message prompts you to continue or cancel the current session. Click Continue to remain signed in or Cancel to sign out of DataManager.


See Also:

About Test Sessions

Open a Test Session