Sign In for Proctoring

Data Package: Online Testing


Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Teacher, or Proctor

To sign in to DataManager proctoring, do one of the following:

If you…

Follow these instructions…

Have a session code

Sign in with a Session Code

Do not have a session code

Sign in without a Session Code


The Proctor Session page opens to the Manage tab.

From here, you can:

     Create a test session.

     Open a test session.

     Export test session lists to an Adobe® Acrobat® file.

     Delete a test session.

     View expired sessions (under the Expired Sessions bar in the image above).

Note: If your DataManager proctor session (creating or managing) is idle for 40 minutes, a message prompts you to continue or cancel the current session. Click Continue to remain signed in to the current session or click Cancel to sign out of DataManager.