Sign in for proctoring

Data Package: Online Testing


Role: Account Holder, Administrator, Teacher, or Proctor

To sign in to DataManager proctoring, do one of the following:


    If you have a session code and want to start a test session immediately, sign in on the Proctor a Test Session tab. The Proctor Page opens to the Manage tab, and the session you entered loads shortly in a second tab. Students can begin signing in immediately.

    If you do not have a session code or you want to start DataManager on the Overview page, sign in without a session code

    If you are a Teacher or any higher-level role coming from another area of the DataManager platform, start the proctor application.

When you have successfully signed in, the Proctor Session page opens to the Manage tab.

Created sessions (below) explained


From here, you can:

      Download detailed instructions for administering your test and level.

      Create a test session.

      Open a test session.

      Export test session lists to an Adobe® Acrobat® file.

      Delete a test session.

      View any expired sessions (under the Expired Sessions bar).