Prepare and administer remote tests

Proctoring Online Test Sessions

Creating test sessions is the final step in the sequence that begins with setting up an account for your entire system, district, or diocese, entering roster information for all students, teachers, classrooms, and buildings, creating test events, and creating test assignments.

Important: Permissions for performing the following tasks are role-based, as detailed below.

     Only the individual with the role of Account Holder can set up your account with Riverside Insights®. This top-level user works with Riverside Insights' Customer Service to set up package types, assessment options, and delivery modes such as paper-pencil, online, or remote testing using the DataManager Remote Proctoring Portal (DMRPP) or the Virtual Remote Proctoring (VRP) solution.

     Account Holders, Admins, and Super Admins can create rosters and test events.

     Account Holders, Admins, Super Admins, and Teachers can create test assignments.

     Any of the above or the individual with Proctor rights can create test sessions for on-site or remote testing, provided the prerequisite steps have been performed.

Test sessions can be created either prior to the day of testing or on the day of testing, provided you leave enough time to familiarize yourself with the process and create the individual sessions.

Before you begin:

     Check that you and your students have the minimum system requirements to perform test procedures.

     Complete additional browser requirements as follows:

      For on-site testing

      For remote testing:


     For VRP

The individual administering the test (as Proctor) must sign in and select the test session to open it before students can sign in.

Step 1: Sign in to the DataManager Proctor application.

Sign in to DataManager.

Note: You can create test sessions at this stage or at any time before the day of testing, as long as a test event and assignment have been created. Leave time for this if you are setting up sessions on the day of testing or if you haven't performed this task recently. See Create a Test Session.

Step 2: Open the test session.

Find the test session for the Getting Started tutorial or the first test in a series and click its name to open it.

Step 3: Instruct students to sign in.

Follow the instructions to direct students to sign in to the test. For remote test administrations, be sure to note the additional steps students must perform in order to arrive at the waiting or drawing page.

Step 4: Admit students to the test.

Review the list of students who are signed in and assist those who are having problems. Consult the roster using the student status information as needed. (Note: You will need Administrative or above privileges to make changes to a roster such as last-minute additions.) Approve or deny students entry to the test. Approval sends them to the Approved section of your test session page and opens the Welcome page in their browsers. Denial removes them from the test session page and returns them to the Student Sign In page. See troubleshooting tips.

Step 5: Administer the test.

See About Administering the Tests to find instructions for administering Proctor-led or self-paced/audio tests. For remote testing with the DataManager Remote Proctoring Portal (DMRPP), see the Remote Proctoring Portal Tab section discussed in the Proctor Session Page topic.

Step 6: Complete the test session.

Verify that all students who are able have completed their tests, then continue to the next session in a linked series, begin a new session, or end testing for the day. Otherwise, Save and close the test session.

If you need to stop the test mid-session, see Save and close the test session.

See About finishing testing to see other options for concluding or continuing the session.