Get Started in easyCBM

This part of the online help presents an overview of the easyCBM administration process. This information is for the Head Admin (Administrator role in easyCBM) and includes understanding access levels, logging on and off, navigating from the dashboard, and managing your account.

Overview of the easyCBM Administration Process

The Head Administrator sets up the easyCBM system as follows:

Step 1: Log on to the easyCBM system

When the order form is complete, easyCBM sends the Head Admin or designated technology specialist login information. Log on to the system and change your password. (See Log On for information on logging on to the system and changing your password.)

Step 2: Create user accounts

The users data file (1_users.csv) identifies all individuals who will be accessing easyCBM (for example, teachers and building- or district-level assessors) and their user type. This file should be created from existing district information and must include a unique employee ID and user name for each user account. (Use the same naming conventions to identify Building names throughout the program.)

See  and Create Data Files and About User Accounts for more information.

Step 3: Create student rosters

The student roster data file (2_students.csv) identifies all students who will be administered easyCBM measures. This file should be created from existing district information and must include a unique Student ID for each student. If there are unrecognized values within the 2_students.csv file, then you will need to map demographic values as well.

See Create Data Files and About Student Records for more information.

Step 4: Associate teachers and students

The teacher-students association file (3_teacher_students.csv) associates students to teachers and supports a many-to-many relationship, as both employee IDs and student IDs can appear multiple times. This file must use the same employee IDs and student IDs as other files (that is, 1_users.csv and 2_students.csv).

See Associate Teachers and Students via File Upload for more information.

Step 5: Set system-wide settings

After creating user accounts, creating student rosters, and associating teachers and students, review system-wide settings to ensure they are appropriate for the district. System-wide settings include creating and managing buildings, setting benchmarking dates, setting percentile rank data lines, enabling measures and features, and the (optional) use of student passwords for online assessments.

See Manage System Settings for more information.

Important: For instructions on how to select, administer, and deliver test measures for easyCBM, as well as information for generating reports and applying interventions, see the online help for district- and building-level users.